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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Are You the Market Expert in Your Industry?

In today’s tough competitive market place there are a lot of businesses seeking out business help to change the perception of  their business of being a commodity to a business that is unique and provides something of value to the market place.  
One way of standing out and providing value to your industry and your local market is by positioning yourself as the local market expert.  You are the one everyone goes to for information on your industry.
Here are 3 tips to help turn you into the market expert
  1. Tell your Story – We all have a story to tell.  What’s your story?  Why did your choose the industry you are in?  What challenges did you face while creating your business?  How does your story (your past experience) help you to be a problem solver for your clients?  Using stories to help clients relate to your vision & mission of being in business will help you to begin to create trust with your prospects and your market at large.
  2. Create a personal identity brand – What do you stand for?  If you stand for something that means that you must stand against something.  What is it that makes books and movies interesting to read and watch?  Conflict!  Without conflict, we say that book was boring and predictable.  There was nothing to hold your attention.  The same is true for your own personal brand.  By standing for something or against something in your industry or market place will make you an interesting person for people to follow or write about.  In other words be an advocate for your clients and prospects.  Be the person that is really looking out for their best interests and don’t be afraid to ruffle some feathers.
  3. Brand your process – In creating your USP (unique selling proposition) you need to not only differentiate yourself from your competition but you need to be able to communicate in a way that your prospects and clients understand how it will help them.  Identify the steps in how you serve your clients, then explain each step and develop a “brand name” for the process.  Try to develop your own proprietary phraseology to explain your process.
Becoming the market expert won’t happen over night.  You need to think thru your story, your personal identity and your process and develop your plan to introduce that into the marketplace.  Remember, nothing happens until you take action!
As an ActionCOACH, I advise business owners on how to increase profits and cash flow, work less hours, and develop their team to they get their business working so they don’t have to.  We coach you to create a commercial profitable enterprise that works without you.  For some business owners that might be hard to believe.  To help them understand the process we have developed ActionCOACH’s “6 Steps to a More Profitable & Valuable Business”.  Breaking our coaching process down in to six-steps makes it easier to understand and believe how it works.

If you're curious to benchmark your company on growth potential and the other seven factors that drive your company’s value, take 13 minutes and get your Sellability Score here: 


  1. One of the best things we did to prove that we were experts in our industry was to commission a series of how-to videos that showed people how to perform simple fixes on their own. This has been a great success and continues to help us build name recognition.

  2. I believe providing useful information via blog post that help people understand the issues in your industry can help you stand out. Then you post them to your social nets to get play and distribution.

  3. Great stuff Steve - as always..!

  4. Today you have to tell before you sell. Online video is one of the most powerful ways to tell your story and turn your best customers into your best salespeople via video testimonial.

  5. Good article. It gave me some ideas to go and work on.
