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Thursday, December 13, 2012

5 Keys to Understanding Success

Success I entered Business Success in the search engine on and found 64,320 paperback books, 22,753 hardcover books, 4,170 Kindle versions and 358 Audio books available.  

In addition, there are thousands of blog posts and other articles discussing the mystery of success. Each author staking a claim on knowing the “Secrets of Success.”  With so much written on the subject how can there be any more secrets?  How is it that so many people are wresting with success instead of basking in its glory? 

 Tom Hopkins defines success this way,  “Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of pre-determined, worthwhile goals”.   In all of my research, this is the best definition I have found.    
Let’s take a closer look at the meaning of this power sentence.
  1. Continuous Journey – This first key is embracing the idea that achieving success is not a destination but a continuous process or journey.  Think about a baby who is  learning to walk.  Does he say,” Well, I took that first step, now I am done.”  No, he says, “ Wow! I took that first step, what’s next?”
  2. Towards – The second key is forward movement.  Successful people are constantly moving forward, towards what they want.  They set aside their fears, move around obstacles and keep going.
  3. Achievement – The key here is recognizing that success is not just one big triumph, but a series of small accomplishments along the way. Think about that baby again.  First, there was turning over, then crawling, then pulling up, then walking.  Each milestone is celebrated and inspires the next one.
  4. Pre-determined – I think of this key as thoughtful pursuit.  What you deem to be important.  Not someone else’s definition of success, not the “stuff” that happens along the way but, what you determine to be important.  It is also critical to establish the right path for you.  Some want the non-stop flight while others prefer travelling the country roads.  The destination is the same.  
  5. Worthwhile Goals – The last key is clarity on the “must have,” goals.  The goals we set that we will do anything in our power to achieve.  This is not to be confused with, “the things that must be done.”  If writing a book is the goal, research must be done.  However, if the author gets bogged down in doing research, the book does not get written.  Clarity is the key to setting those “must have” goals and performing the “must be done things,” that further the achievement of them.
Understanding these 5 keys will help unlock your secret to success.  Remember, as with any journey it is important to pack a lunch and wear comfortable shoes. 
Wishing you much success,
Coach Steve

If one of your goals is to have more time to enjoy life, download this free whitepaper to get some insights on how your business can give you more life instead of sucking it out of you.


  1. Success is not a sprint. It is a marathon. You need to plan for the long haul in order to succeed.

  2. When it comes to helping you take your business to the next level, you want Steve the Action Coach on your team.

  3. I concur, the most successful people and companies are very persistence, diligent and tenacious. When you put that together with smart goals, smart people and a strong work ethic, it makes for an unstoppable combination.
