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Monday, January 28, 2013

Good lessons are all around, even from a thief?

 Theif with stereo
There are teachers and lessons all around us.  One of the keys to having more success is being aware of everything around you. If you pay careful enough attention, you can learn how to be successful from some unexpected sources.

One reason many of us do not reach our goals is that we do not want them badly enough. Generally, goals come in 2 varieties.  There are the  “I would like to have” goals and  “I must have”.

If the reward for achieving the goal is not clear enough and great enough, or if the negative consequence is not great enough, we will not put forward the effort necessary to accomplish our goals.  It is an, “I would like to have” goal.

When we are in the “I must have” mindset, we will do whatever it takes to achieve a particular goal. The goal is clear and we remain focused on achieving it.  We do not allow obstacles and life’s  distractions to get in the way of accomplishing that goal.

The great Jewish sage Rabbi Meshulam Zusya of Anipoli, of blessed memory, learned a number of methods of serving G-d - from a thief. If we look at the habits of a thief, we can also see what it takes to be truly successful in life (in a positive way of course)...
  1. He works quietly without others knowing.
  2. He is ready to place himself in danger.
  3. The smallest detail is of great importance to him.
  4. He labors with great toil.
  5. Eager willingness or readiness, often manifested by quick, lively action
  6. He is confident and optimistic
  7. If he does not succeed the first time, he tries again and again
Keep your eyes open you never know whom you can learn from.

Wishing you much success,
Coach Steve

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  1. Given a choice, I'd like to steal a moment or two for myself. But business being what it is that's pretty unlikely. Of course, it's better than the alternative.

  2. Billy, you got that backwards. You probably are currently steeling a moment or 2 from yourself.

    To make sure that your business doesn't control you, you need to schedule time in your calender for you. If not, you are just steeling from yourself.

    It doesn't make a difference whether the time is for your personal development or to meet with friends, you need to schedule that time and treat as if it is a meeting with your most important client.

    Dr. Ivan Misner founder of BNI would always schedule a week at the end of the year to just chill, review the past year, and look for opportunities for the year ahead. We had met at an International ActionCOACH conference and he told me that if he didn't take that time, he might had missed the opportunity to start BNI because he was too busy.

  3. I always thought thieves were lazy but now I realize they hard working, yet misguided individuals.
