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Monday, January 14, 2013

Lead and they will follow, 3 tips to get your team to follow

52987main_geese Why do geese fly in formation?  Scientists found that it is for 2 reasons.  The first, is to conserve their energy.  There is less wind resistance flying in groups, enabling them to fly greater distances with less effort than birds flying solo.

The second reason is that they can easily keep track of each other. By contrast, pelicans who fly alone, beat their wings more often and have higher heart rates than geese.  

 As a leader in your company do feel like the goose or the pelican? 
 Is your team following your lead?
 Does your company or department run like a well oiled machine? 

If not, here are 3 tips to help you become the leader your employees want to follow…

1. Communicate EffectivelyTo be a good leader, you must first be a good communicator. Your team must clearly understand your vision, goals, and expectations in order to help you accomplish them.  True communication is the response that we get.  Good communicators watch for verbal and non-verbal clues that their messages are being received and understood.

This is especially important when starting a new initiative or adding a new team member.  Schedule enough time to review objectives thoroughly and foster an environment that encourages staff members to ask questions.  Have them mirror back what you have said to be sure they understand. 

I found that one of my clients was moving too quickly through new material.  I coached this client on taking frequent pauses when giving instructions  to make sure his team understood what he wanted before he went onto the next subject. Implementing this simple strategy improved his team’s effectiveness and his business’s profitability tremendously.

2. Lead by example
”A leader is one who knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way.” (John C. Maxwell)  Reflect on the words you use and actions you take in front of your team.  Do you pitch in with the “grunt” work during extra busy times?  Do you have stated work hours but, consistently show up late?  Does the quality of your work inspire your team? Be the rule you want your employees to follow not the exception.

3. Be Congruent
Apply the “golden rule.” It is impossible to build a positive, motivated team while possessing a negative attitude and treating others poorly.  Ever hear your boss speaking negatively about a co-worker?  Did you wonder what he was saying about you?  The bottom line is we need to be congruent as leaders.  Being respectful and appreciative of your employees will inspire them to treat each other and you with respect. 

To “BE” a leader, you must “DO” what leaders do and then you will “HAVE” that leaders have. Leadership comes from within.  Focus on making the internal changes necessary to become the person you want to “BE”,  that will inspire others to follow. The people around you will see the changes in your behavior, in your actions and in the decisions that you make. You will soon create a desire in others to follow your lead. Success is contagious.

You will also begin to see success is neither “yours” or “theirs”, it is “ours”.  When the lead goose gets tired, he falls back and lets a new leader take over. They all share in the work and in the success of getting to their migration point. A true leader knows it is not about “me” it’s about “us”.

As Zig Ziglar said,” You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”

Wishing you much success,

Coach Steve
Intentionally Build Dream Team
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  1. Being in a leadership position is a constant challenge.

  2. It would seem as if the conventional wisdom of, "Don't be a goose" has been turned on its head. Of course, "Don't be a pelican" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, does it?
