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Monday, May 20, 2013

Help! I’m stuck in a rut!

A few years back I was standing at our kitchen sink, washing the breakfast dishes, looking out our kitchen window and I noticed this fly.  It was just flying in circles, climbing up and down the window screen desperately looking for a way out.   Feeling the fresh air, it could sense that its freedom was near.  This seemed to motivate the fly even more to try to get out.

I realized that if I didn't give the fly any help, it was destined to be flying in circles all day, and I knew that the buzzing would begin to get on my nerves.  Eventually my son who was 3 years old at the time came over and  pushed the screen open to give the fly an opening to finally break through to freedom.

As I continued to wash the dishes, I was amazed that the fly just kept going up and down in the same meticulous manner.  The path to freedom was just inches away but it seemed stuck looking in the same places to find a small hole to break through.  When I was done washing the dishes and contemplating what had just happened, my son came over and asked me, “Why didn't it just fly away?”  I thought about it for a moment and answered him that the fly never stopped to think that he could.
How many of us are unknowingly doing the same thing?  My son's question made me think about how many businesses can't move forward.
How many of us can’t break through to that next level of success because we are stuck in our own comfort zone?  How many business owners continue to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results?
But just like the fly on my window, we are stuck in our comfort zones, imprisoned by our routines, stuck doing the same thing over and over because it is just familiar to us.  A wise sage once said, “An imprisoned individual cannot set himself free.”
Eventually the fly did break through to freedom, but only when my son came over and repeatedly pushed it toward the opening, so it could finally break through to the freedom it so desired.
Who do you have that can give you more perspective and will continually push you toward the opening so you can break through to your next level of success?
As a business coach, I help my clients see the forest through the trees, give them the knowledge they need when they need it, and hold them accountable week in and week out to reach their goals.  
A business coach helps business owners create a long-term vision and set goals and milestones to achieve that vision.  A business coach can help business owners talk through solutions to overcome problems.  Business coaches can also assist with building your team, helping team members to contribute to your overall success.  Business coaching keeps business owners on track to continue to grow and create their own success.
At ActionCOACH, we coach business owners to success with proven, tested and systematized ways to reach your goals and grow your business no matter what industry you are in.
Remember every champion has a coach, and that coaching is not just sports any more.
Find out more about the ActionCOACH approach to growing a successful business.  Check out my latest workshops and seminars or call our office for a free 1/2 hour phone "breakthrough coaching session" to discover if coaching can help you.


  1. In today's high pressure business climate, it easy to get stuck in survival. I am glad I have a business coach that hold my feet to the fire so that I follow through with the things that have to get done. This keep my company moving forward and un-sticks us when we do fall down.

  2. If the course your business is sailing isn't working, it's time to try a different tack before you wind up on the rocks.

  3. You can't make it in business by relying on the same old same old. To succeed in the modern business world requires innovation.

  4. Survival is not the name of the game. Thriving should be the goal. Constant improvement and innovation is required.
